Multi Rocket Avionics System
No Matches
MRAS code to a Beginner

– Author: Nikilesh Ramesh

These explain a few concepts that I found difficult to grasp as new member looking into MRAS codebase. Intentionally used informal tone to format it like a conversation rather than a reference material.

System Message Explanation

MRAS system is split into sub-systems with each subsytem talking to each other with messages, specifically system messages (SystemMessage). The second most popular word among Sunride software team-members is sub-system, the first being message. So before we explore the sub-systems it's important to understand the messaging infrastructure.

The SystemMessage.h includes a enum SystemMessageType which contains all the types that the SystemMessage can be like barometer data, accelerometer data etc. These data are named using this format {Name of Source}DataMsg_t. So for example baromoter message is named as BarometerDataMsg_t. This is strictly for other classes to diffrentiate message types and is NOT an actual data type in c++ context, an example use case is lets say you only want the environmental data, you would only care about the barometer output so you can use a switch statement to only print out the message if its of the type BarometerDataMsg_t. Since they are contained within an enum each "message type" expands to an int. The acutal data type (in c++ context) is formatted as {Name of Source}DataMsg, an example would be BarometerDataMsg (the undersore t is dropped).

Now lets understand BarometerDataMsg. This is its definition:

explicit BarometerDataMsg() : SystemMessage(BarometerDataMsg_t) {}
float pressure = 0;
float temperature = 0;
A base class for all system messages.
Definition: SystemMessage.h:32
Message sent by the barometer to the system.
Definition: BarometerDataMsg.h:15
float temperature
The temperature in degrees Celsius.
Definition: BarometerDataMsg.h:26
float pressure
The pressure in Pa.
Definition: BarometerDataMsg.h:21

As you can see it's a struct, in C++, structs are their own "data type" so each subsystem class has a struct that is the message it would "send" and the data type is the name of the struct. Let's break this down line-by-line. In the first line the : operator suggests that it inherits from another class *(structs == class in c++, with different default behaviour more here)* SystemMessage. In the second line you can find : operator combined with constructors, here it simply means we are calling (explicitly) the constructor of SystemMessage. BarometerDataMsg_t that is parsed into the constructor simply acts as an ID for the message. Then you have the acutal content of the message/struct.

Detour to SystemMessage, the reason why it exists (in my opinion) is to enforce the use of the messaging infrastructure and mainly as a placeholder for when the messages are published. Emphasis on publish, as the SystemMessage is "published" to all of its "subscribers", subscribers are other sub-systems that require this message. Like a newspaper/magazine, SystemMessage is the newspaper/magazine, the sub-systems are the publishing house and you are the sub-systems that recieves the message. Now that you have recieved it, you have a lot of data that you may or may not want, if you are like me you might only want to look at pictures so SystemMessage class provides a neat way of sorting it. Here's an example:

if (msg->get_type() == BarometerDataMsg_t)
auto Nmsg = (BarometerDataMsg *) msg;
log("Estimated altitude: %f", altitudeEstimate(Nmsg));
void on_message(SystemMessage *msg) override
Definition: StateEstimator.cpp:49
SystemMessageType get_type()
Get the type of the message.
Definition: SystemMessage.h:41

The StateEstimator class recieves a catalogue of information everytime a sub-system publishes, the SystemMessage but it only needs the barometer reading so it can simply use the function get_type() in an if statement to filter out the barometer data.

Subsystem Explanation

Now we talk about the sub-systems themselves. There are two types of them in MRAS, Message Handlers and Non-Message Handlers. As I understand it any sub-system that recieves and proccesses the messages is deemed message handlers and the sub-systems that only publish are non-message handlers. So the sensors fall under non-handlers and data logging systems fall under handlers.

The MRAS_system is the highest level of control in MRAS. It keeps track of all the sub-systems and the paradigm is to operate all the others through the MRAS_system. For example:

int main() {
TextLogger* logger = new NativeTextLogger(0);
auto *accelerometer = new FakeAccelerometer(1);
auto *data_logger = new NativeDataLogger(2);
auto *barometer = new FakeBarometer(3);
auto *altitudeEstimator = new StateEstimator(4);
return 0;
A fake accelerometer for testing.
Definition: FakeAccelerometer.h:17
Definition: FakeBarometer.h:8
The main class of the MRAS system.
Definition: MRAS_System.h:18
static MRAS_System * get_instance()
Definition: MRAS_System.cpp:9
void set_logger(TextLogger *logger)
Set the TextLogger that is used to log messages.
Definition: MRAS_System.cpp:53
bool add_subsystem(Subsystem *subsystem)
Add a Subsystem to the system.
Definition: MRAS_System.cpp:16
A subsystem that logs SystemMessages using its log() function, mostly for debugging.
Definition: NativeDataLogger.h:14
A TextLogger that is compatible with the Native MRAS build environment.
Definition: NativeTextLogger.h:20
Definition: StateEstimator.h:8
A base class for ArduinoTextLogger and NativeTextLogger.
Definition: TextLogger.h:18

In this main() we first define all the subsytems with unique IDs. And then call add_subsytem on mras to setup mras to track all the subsytems. Now when setup() and loop() is called on mras it's also called on every other subsystem that was added.

Steps to make your own Sub-system:

  1. Determine if your subsystem is a message handler or not
  2. Accordingly implement the class. For non-message handlers a SUBSYSTEM_NO_MESSAGE_HANDLER (it simply is a macro that implements an empty on_message() method) is added towards at the end of the class (check out How to implement a Subsytem)
  3. Add your system message type to the SystemMessageType
  4. Now add the struct that defines your sub-system's message in the system_messages folder.
  5. Now add your sub-system as subscriber to any other sub-system if needed
  6. Finally add your sub-system to mras like found above.
  7. Take a shot everytime you type out "Msg".